
The Discovering Heaven blog helps us discover more of what awaits us in Heaven, which strengthens our eternal perspectives. This increases your desire for Heaven while giving you the strength you need to make it through any trial you may face in this life.

If you are new, I suggest reading at least the first three entries before reading the more recent ones to understand the foundation for them.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Freedom of Worship in Heaven

What do you think of when you imagine yourself worshipping God in Heaven? For a long time, I envisioned standing around singing praises to God. I still believe we will all sing praises to Him (maybe even while playing those cliché harps), but (and that’s a big but) we will worship God in many other ways as well.

Reading the book Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas reminded me that people worship, or connect with, God in different ways. Gary came up with nine categories of worship approaches. Singing is one way to worship, but people show God how they love Him in many forms. Your appreciation for God may be at its highest while quietly meditating on Him, surrounded by the majesty of His creation. It’s hard to imagine God taking away your favorite way to honor Him when we get to Heaven and forcing you to only sing to Him.

In Heaven, I’m sure King David will sing psalms to God with all his might while playing his lyre. Moses may walk around New Earth praising God for his provision and beauty. Elijah may find a tall mountain where he can be alone with God in a cave thanking Him for all He has done. Luke may explore New Earth while praising God for His intricate design. Tabitha may show her love for God by doing all she can to help her brothers and sisters in Heaven.

How do you currently praise God and express your love for Him?

How will you worship God in Heaven? Will you marvel at His new creation while thanking Him for it? Will you find a quiet spot to meditate on the greatness of God while expressing your love for Him? Will you make as much beautiful noise as you can, doing your best to express the love exploding out of you? Will you dance for Him? Will you examine all He has made and marvel at his wisdom and power? I believe there will be souls in Heaven doing all these things.

Here on Earth, everything we do (and I literally mean everything) is tainted with our selfishness. The degree varies, but even our righteous acts are like menstrual rags (Isaiah 64:6) in their purity. This selfishness applies to how we worship God as well. We may go to church on Sunday morning, but, oh, it would have been nice to have slept longer or to have relaxed at home instead. We may take a meal to the woman who just had surgery, but, in the back of our minds, we wish it hadn’t cost so much or taken so long to prepare. We may share the gospel with an unbeliever, but we walk away feeling proud of ourselves. Just as Isaiah said, even our best acts are tainted.

It will be impossible to have pride or selfishness in Heaven because those are sinful feelings. Our worship of God will finally be pure and without taint. Not only will we be in His presence, but our connection to him will not be hindered in any way!

You will be able to worship God in Heaven in your favorite way with no barriers.


Psalm 119:12-16, Isaiah 64:6; Romans 1:20

No Pain of Any Kind

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