
The Discovering Heaven blog helps us discover more of what awaits us in Heaven, which strengthens our eternal perspectives. This increases your desire for Heaven while giving you the strength you need to make it through any trial you may face in this life.

If you are new, I suggest reading at least the first three entries before reading the more recent ones to understand the foundation for them.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Discovering More About Heaven is Practical and Exciting

 What gets you really excited? I mean can’t-wait, why-isn’t-it-here-yet excited. Most of us get excited about Christmas, but only during December (and maybe November). Your birthday may excite you (or depress you depending on your age) but only a few weeks prior to the event. Is there anything that excites you every day of the year? If you struggle to imagine something that could do that, you may not have looked closely enough at Heaven yet.

Are you ready to get more excited about what awaits you in Heaven? After studying Heaven for almost 10 years, I am more motivated than ever to get others excited about what our Loving Father is preparing as our eternal home. In this first post, I want to explain why getting excited about and learning more about Heaven is a practical endeavor. If you are like I was before I explored what the Bible says about Heaven, I rarely thought about it. Back then, I dreaded thinking about Heaven. That was because I envisioned an eternity of being before the throne of God in a purely spiritual state, singing for all eternity. When I looked to scripture instead of to culture for information about Heaven, I saw a drastically different vision. Now, rarely a day goes by where I am not encouraged by some aspect of Heaven and excited by it. I’ll discuss those in this blog in the weeks ahead.

How is studying Heaven a practical use of your time? A greater appreciation of Heaven strengthens your eternal perspective, which is useful in many ways. One significant way it helps is dealing with trials that come upon us. If you can put any difficulty this life throws at you on the other side of the scales from the wonders of Heaven, the scales will slam down on the side of Heaven every time. I like the way Mother Teresa put it, “In light of heaven, the worst suffering on earth, a life full of the most atrocious tortures on earth, will be seen to be no more serious than one night in an inconvenient hotel.” The Apostle Paul also had something to say about this:

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.

Romans 8:18 (HCSB)

It is essential to not let your thoughts get stuck on the difficulties of this life. There is no hope when we only look down at this life. We must lift our eyes toward Heaven, where our hope lies. The Apostle Paul encouraged us to focus our thoughts on heavenly things:

1So if you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above, where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on the earth.

Colossians 3:1-2 (HCSB)

Having a strong desire for Heaven can also encourage you to reach out to others so they can join you there. When I had little desire to be in Heaven, I also had little desire to teach others about Christ. I was afraid they would ask me what I thought about Heaven, and I would have nothing encouraging to say about it. Why would anyone want to face possible hardships in this life for the name of Christ, only to be bored for all eternity? I felt I had nothing to offer them. Sure, they wouldn’t go to Hell, but I couldn’t give them a hope of Heaven that was all that much better than Hell.

I hope you will check back often for more encouraging thoughts about Heaven. They will strengthen your eternal perspective and get you more excited about Heaven while helping you understand why Jesus paid such a high price so we could be there with Him.

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